Thursday, March 17, 2011

We did it!

After five years of our letter writing, petition signing and advocacy, our leaders have stepped up and released a national plan to help put an end to violence against women in Australia.

Did you know that some 4 million women in Australia have experienced violence at home, intimidation by their loved ones or sexual abuse at some stage of their lives? Worst of all, it often takes place out of sight or behind closed doors, helping abusers escape justice. This isn’t a distant problem happening in another country: it’s right here in our living rooms, our streets and our communities.

But together, our hard work has ensured our politicians have put in place a positive blueprint to help eradicate violence against women for good.

For the first time in our country’s history, we have a nationwide framework that will protect survivors of physical and sexual abuse, provide sufficient services to women and children experiencing violence and prosecute abusers. Under this plan, survivors of violence will receive the same level of support and protection, no matter which state or territory they’re in.

It’s a coordinated, all-of-government approach, and your actions made sure it happened.

Remember, wins like this don’t happen overnight. This victory says so much about the persistence, passion and power of the Amnesty movement when we come together to demand change. This is not the work of one person alone; it’s the work of thousands of people like you.

Just last week, we celebrated the centenary of International Women's Day by remembering the remarkable achievements of women in Australia and around the world. And what a way to celebrate!

Thank you and congratulations for making Australia a better, fairer place for women.

To read abut the plan and how you made it happen:

Now that our politicians have responded to our calls, it’s important to acknowledge their actions. If you've got a moment, you can leave a short message of thank you with us (through the above link) and we'll deliver it directly to the former and current federal ministers for the Status of Women, Tanya Plibersek and Kate Ellis.

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