Thursday, September 16, 2010

Article on Amnesty NSW in Hills Shire Times

HILLS Grammar students from Rogan House have been putting their hands up in a bid to raise awareness for human rights. Principal Robert Phipps said the school aimed to provide students with an understanding of global citizenship and the importance of an international perspective. “It is important our graduates are committed to humanitarian values and are willing to promote social justice in our democratic society,” he said.

The school’s Amnesty International interest group and Rogan House captains completed their term’s work by presenting a cheque for $1132 to Amnesty International representatives Ingrid Giskes and Mia Ludlum for the refugee campaign. Head of house Dave O’Donohue said this was thankfully received, however, the ceremonial endowment of hundreds of origami boats and cut-out hands with the UN articles from the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, was the most powerful message of all with each student stating the article which resonated with them. “Favourites included: everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; everyone has the right to be treated as equal in the eyes of the law, no one shall be held in slavery or servitude; and everyone has the right to life, liberty and security,” Mr O’Donohue said. “This charity drive has been very successful in informing and engaging students in the fundamental issues facing our community, society and the world today.”
To see the full article:

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