Thursday, November 13, 2008

Farewell Simone, Hello Shirley

Simone Chuah the amazing Volunteer and Resources Coordinator has left Amnesty in order to have a baby. Shirley Chen (the former office coordinator) is back at Amnesty in Simone's role.

That means that Deb and Shirley now share the role of Volunteer and Resources Coordinator (Deb: Mon, Tues, Wed. Shirley: Thurs, Fri).

I am sure you will all join me wishing Simone the best and welcoming Shirley.

Any questions or confusion please feel free to give me a call - 8396 7671


16 Days of Activism

Has your group got something planned for 16 Days of Activism to Stop Violence Against Women? Would you be able to get your family, friends or colleagues to take action?

If you would like us to send you some materials and actions please call the action centre on 8396 7670 and ask for Shirley or Deb.

UDHR60 Celebrations

Do you need posters, 'passports for human rights', actions, materials, stall things, balloons, streamers, sparklers, etc for your 60th anniversary celebrations?

If yes, then call 83967670 and ask for Deb or Shirley.


National Board Meet and Greet - 28 Nov

Come Along everyone to our National Board, Staff and Activists Meet & Greet
Where: NSW Action Centre, 79 Myrtle St, Chippendale, 2008
Why: Get to know the Board, Staff and Activists of Amnesty International Australia
When: Friday 28th November 4.30pm – 6.00pm
Light Refreshments provided